Earring Infections: Treatment and Prevention
Getting your ears pierced is a common practice among people of all ages and genders, all over the world. After piercing, the onset of infections and allergies is a warning sign; it tells us that something hasn't gone right. Don't panic. In today's guide, earring infections: treatment and prevention , we'll talk about infections and how to prevent, recognize and treat them.
Earring Infections: Prevention Really Is the Best Cure
The caution of relying on a professional is not limited to the aesthetic result. Compliance with hygiene standards is fundamental: it is also valid for a simple earlobe piercing . The use of sterile instruments and disposable earlobe piercers is the first shield against allergies and infections, and also the most effective. You can decide to have your ears pierced at the pharmacy : the watchword is the same everywhere, that is, "safety".
The first jewel is strictly hypoallergenic
Have you convinced yourself to show off that pair of dangle earrings you've been keeping in your jewelry box for years? Has your little girl grown up and asked to wear the earrings she received as a gift for her baptism? You'll both look great, but only after wearing a hypoallergenic pre-earring for at least 6 weeks and avoiding the risk of developing dermatitis and earlobe infections . For more information, see our guide to your first earrings .
Daily care prevents the onset of infections by 99%
Days are not always the same but hygiene rules are. For a correct routine, 4 minutes are enough: one to wash your hands before touching the lobe area and the pre-earring. Two to turn it and clean it well, another to disinfect everything. The operation must be repeated 2/3 times a day. If you can't do without wetting your ears, therefore every time you sweat or come into contact with fresh or sea water , use a clean cloth to dab the area. Therefore, make sure that there are no traces of substances (cream, sunscreen, ..) or irritating foreign bodies (sand, dust, hair, ..) between the skin and the jewelry. Dry and clean is the mantra. Repeating it will keep infections away.
Problems that precede or follow the replacement of the pre-earring
If something goes wrong before replacing the pre-earring, it is very likely an infection. If the problem occurs after the change, we could be dealing with an allergy to a specific material, contact dermatitis or a scratch or lesion caused by the positioning of an unsuitable accessory. In all cases, it is advisable to remove the earring , disinfect the lobe and investigate to find the cause . In case of excessive itching, persistent pain and swelling, bleeding or pus or if the problem does not resolve within 48 hours, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
Earring Infections: Treatment and Prevention
In most cases, earring infections are avoidable, but when prevention is not enough... timeliness is everything! Once the problem is solved, you can indulge yourself by wearing new jewelry. By the way: have you already chosen your next earrings?
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