3 Gemstones for Halloween
Halloween , once called Samahin, is perhaps one of the most controversial and fascinating holidays of the year. A mix of joy and terror that leads us to rediscover a bit of magic and esoteric cults, dedicating ourselves to a healthy introspection, perhaps with the help of 3 precious stones that prove to be just perfect for this night.
Halloween: Between Life and Death
A veil between the world of life and the mystery of death, which during the most ghostly night of the year seems to lift and leave us some time to confront ourselves and everything we do not know, but can perceive.
Whether you are a trick-or-treat enthusiast or this holiday is too dark for you, it is still the right time to dedicate ourselves to rediscovering symbols and natural elements that, since ancient times, have been connected to the afterlife and the world of souls.
3 Gemstones for Halloween
Beyond the famous “Jack O' Lantern” pumpkin, to be placed on windowsills to keep spirits away, there are many traditions linked to the gems to be worn during this day.
Whether you are passionate about esotericism and ancient cults, or you just want an accessory to wear to a Halloween party, black definitely reigns supreme.
Obsidian at Halloween
A warrior stone of truth, which helps in facing the shadows of one's soul. It is a lava glass, therefore coming from the depths of the earth, used especially by ancient shamans. It is useful to protect from negative influences, but also to help us work on ourselves, our fears and our past. Also beautiful in its snowflake version, for psychic protection.

Gemstones for Halloween: Onyx
Another gemstone with an intense black color. It is a variety of chalcedony with an opaque or semi-opaque color. It is a gemstone deeply linked to introspection, which forces us to face our shadows and our demons face to face. In the past, it was believed that it could connect with the afterlife. Perfect for this period, in short!

Halloween with Carnelian
It ranges from deep red (like blood!) to black, this gem dear to the ancient Egyptians. It seems that its power was believed to symbolize eternal life, accompanying the deceased into the afterlife. It keeps you focused on the present and gives impetus to your inner and emotional life. Beautiful.

In short: three precious stones with a deep and intense meaning, ideal to be worn tonight, but also to be kept by our side in everyday life. Did you know that with your favorite stones you can create custom jewelry, made especially for you? Come and visit us and our experts will be ready to help you make your dreams come true!