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Agate: The Lucky Stone of the Year

Each year has its own precious stone, capable of bringing good luck to whoever wears it.
We left behind a 2020 marked by rose quartz, to land in 2021 characterized by Agate, a very particular and special gem.
Today we discover it together!

Agate: The Lucky Stone of the Year

Origin and history

Agate, from the Greek ἀχάτης, achátes, is a beautiful gemstone with a fascinating history. It is part of the chalcedony or quartz family and, in ancient times, was often used as a talisman. Its most particular characteristic is given by its structure in zones or bands, which gives it fascinating shades to the eye.

Some varieties of agate are considered more valuable, of course, but whatever its characteristic color, this quartz remains wonderful from every point of view. It can be found in nature in different shades: among the most beautiful, those of Fire Agate stand out, red and able to instill courage!

Even though it is not a very used stone, it is impossible not to love it: it is really beautiful, especially when seen in its natural state!
For ancient populations, agate specimens that presented parallel lines were real amulets perfect for protecting against bad luck. I would say that as a stone of the year it is perfect!

Its properties

The meaning of agate is varied, but for the Indian and Tibetan peoples it is considered an ally in achieving their goals. In fact, it gives a sense of protection and helps to process difficult situations. It also promotes introspection, strengthens courage and weakens fears.

In crystal therapy it is used for people who need balance and to make the right choices, in any area of ​​their life.

A gem, therefore, that helps us gain awareness and guides us on the long journey of our lives, with optimism and balance. Truly essential, in this new year, to accompany us towards a brighter future.

Agate: The Lucky Stone of the Year

In short: agate is truly a stone with a thousand facets, which seems ideal to us to symbolize rebirth and hope for the future!
She and the other precious stones that characterize 2021 (let's remember that each month has its own gem!) can be an ally in facing everyday life, always wearing a valuable accessory that helps us to be more proactive!

Discover all the most beautiful gems at Ferro Gioielli! Book a consultation with our expert gemologists and visit us at via Matteotti 41 in Este! Don't forget to visit the online shop so you don't miss any news!