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Birthstone: A stone for each month.

Archaic beliefs, philosophies and religions have since ancient times sought in gems and precious stones an ancestral meaning, which refers not only to the mineral properties of the stone, but also to its powers linked to time, the phases of the moon and the period of the year.
The Birthstones craze, literally ''birthstones'', has been supported by the American Jewelers Association Jewelers of America, which has created an ad hoc calendar, with a stone dedicated to each month of the year. The aim? To give the most suitable stone to every newborn, or, why not, even to all the adults who believe in the fascinating power of gems!

Let's discover all the birthstones together!


The stone of energy and physical and spiritual strength. It is the stone of heroes , a symbol of courage, perseverance and vitality.

FEBRUARY: Amethyst

A stone with purple-violet vibrations, suitable for meditation . It has the power to calm the mind.

MARCH: Aquamarine

A transparent blue, reminiscent of the seas of exotic countries. Aquamarine activates the Throat Chakra, helping communication with others and with one's self.

APRIL: Diamond

The stone among stones, which shines with its own light. It has the power to awaken the soul and connect us to our spiritual path. It creates wisdom and expands self-mastery.

MAY: Emerald

One of the seven treasures of Buddhism, linked to wisdom . The emerald, with its intense green color, is considered the most powerful talisman of love, luck and health. It is a powerful aid for the heart. We talked about it in this post.

JUNE: Alexandrite

A chameleon stone, which changes its shades according to the light. It is one of the rarest gems in the world. It gives balance and self-esteem, has regenerative powers and helps you achieve your goals.

JULY: Ruby

The queen of stones, sacred to the sun, symbol of fire. It is a stone of intense red, linked to blood, the heart, passion . It gives vitality and cardiac health. We talked about it in this post.

AUGUST: Olivine

A combination of all the greens present on Earth: it is a magnesium and iron silicate. It is a healing and regenerating stone, with calming powers on the cardiac plexus. It rebalances the endocrine glands.


The blue stone, with fascinating transparencies. It is linked to wisdom and spiritual experience, it is purifying and produces calm and serenity.

OCTOBER: Tourmaline

There are seven varieties: the black one is the most powerful. It seems to be a symbol of light and sunshine, able to protect from nightmares. It has pain-relieving and energizing properties, and is connected to the First Chakra.


An intense yellow, like gold: Topaz symbolizes luxury, wealth, generosity and strength. It is considered the ''crystal of power'' , often worn by the most powerful rulers in history.

DECEMBER: Tanzanite

A blue with violet reflections, like the winter skies. Tanzanite opens the "third eye" and expands psychic powers, generates relief and helps the most sincere communication.

My birthstone is emerald. What about you? What is your birthstone?

See you here, very soon, with lots of new curiosities.