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A Brief History of Jewelry

How many of you, in these somewhat empty days, have stopped to reflect on how wonderful it is to have access to millions of information? Today I am here to tell you all the information I have collected on the history of jewelry , hoping to give you a few minutes of entertainment, some curiosities and one more reason to appreciate more all the bijoux and accessories that Ferro Gioielli offers and creates for you.

The short history in stages

Jewels, as we know, are accessories appreciated and used since ancient times. Just remember the tombs of the ancient Egyptians: full of earrings, necklaces and ornaments of all kinds worn by pharaohs and common people. The Financial Times , however, some time ago reasoned on the history of jewels, finding some fundamental stages that mark the evolution of the main jewelry techniques used from the past to today. Today I will tell you about those that, in my opinion, are the 8 most special.

1. The innovation of the brilliant cut

In the 18th century, Baroque jewelry valued above all the brilliance of the precious stones set in the most ostentatious jewels: precisely for this reason the best goldsmiths of Paris, Antwerp and Amsterdam developed the brilliant cut . Today, this cut that amplifies the brilliance of the precious stones is chosen for 75% of diamonds.

2. Let's make gold out of what isn't gold

We are in the mid-1800s, when, thanks to the use of amazing technologies, we arrive at the discovery of electroplating . Beautiful jewels at affordable prices, thanks to this technique that allows you to apply a thin film of silver or gold on jewels created in steel. Certainly not the luxury that we all desire, but a beautiful innovation.

3. A veil of platinum

At the end of the 19th century, a material even more resistant than gold arrives: platinum . Difficult to work, but definitely valid, it will become one of the favorite materials of maisons like Cartier, for some of the most beautiful jewels ever.

4. Pearls, classic pearls

Until the early 1900s, wearing pearls was a rarity, since only the (very rare) ones obtained from oysters could be used. Thanks to some Japanese varieties, with the use of new technologies, scientists have managed to artificially induce the first pearls. And we are very grateful to them.

5. No more holes

For a brief period in history, in 1930, ear piercings were considered a taboo. From that moment on, the first clip-on earrings were born. Today we remember them as little children's toys, but once they were definitely in vogue!

6. Strong as titanium

Light and resistant, this material now resonates in some songs: Titanium , an innovative material in the early 60s, has revolutionized the world of jewelry. Very easy to handle, it allows you to create decidedly beautiful shapes and decorations.

Ferro Gioielli developed precisely in these years, born in 1954 thanks to the idea of ​​Nereo Ferro . Did you know that, initially, Ferro Gioielli only dealt with watchmaking ?

7. The technological revolution

80s, we approach the present day with the first computers on the market. And so the world of jewelry takes a different turn, with the first jewels designed in 3D directly through a software called Cad . Much less fascinating than freehand drawings, but definitely functional.

In these years Fabrizio Ferro, today expert owner of Ferro Gioielli, began his career in the shop at only 18 years old, after having worked in the prestigious goldsmith laboratories of Valenza (AL). The company began to work as a buyer with brands such as Damiani , Marco Bicego , TAG Heuer , Miluna ...and many more!

8. 3D Printing: Towards the Future

Surely the hand-crafted jewel takes on a whole other value, but let's not forget that technology can also be a great friend. In fact, for some years now, the new frontier of jewelry is 3D printing ! Initially tested on plastic, it is slowly approaching the world of jewelry. Who knows, maybe one day our experts will be able to create and 3D print your engagement ring...!

A Brief History of Jewelry: From Here On...

We have seen the past, who knows what the future holds. One thing is certain: quality and beauty never go out of style.

Ferro Gioielli, in particular, thanks to the experience of Fabrizio and Gianluca, is already projected towards the future! The service of expert gemologists that the Ferro family offers, on new and antique precious items, really allows you to savor jewelry in all its facets! Soon, very soon, we will also see the history of the most precious family in Este, with anecdotes and curiosities about the world of jewelry and watchmaking.

To find the ideal jewel, in the meantime, do not forget to visit our online shop and order your favorite accessory. We will bring it directly to your home, safely and with every guarantee.

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