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Ferro Gioielli crowns Miss Italy 2010

On Sunday 25th April at Villa Beata Beatrice in Cinto Euganeo one of the pre-selections of the 71st National Miss Italia Competition took place and I had the burden, but above all the honour, of being part of the jury and crowning the first classified, with the Miluna tiara and jewel. Of the 20 girls who paraded with passion and determination to be able to access the next round, only one, Laura Cagnin, was able to win the title of “ Miss Italia Fior d'Arancio ” (in honour of the sweet wine of our wonderful hills) which in fact gave the possibility of advancing in the regional selections. I can say that it was engaging and seeing the emotion and joy of the Miss combined with the natural enthusiasm of the audience, pushed me to look for the history of this event. The forerunner of Miss Italia is the contest “5000 lire per un sorriso”, born in 1939 from an idea by Dino Villani. It is a photography contest, the contestants for the title of “Miss Sorriso” do not parade on the catwalk, but simply send a photo of themselves. After the interruption due to the Second World War, the contest resumed in 1946 and adopted the current name of Miss Italia. The first editions, which now include the Miss parade, were held in Stresa. Over the years the contest has seen some changes of location but has found a permanent home in Salsomaggiore Terme. In 1950 it was broadcast for the first time on the radio, in 1979 it went on television, first on a circuit of local stations and then in 1981 on Canale 5 and since 1988 it has been broadcast live on Raiuno. The organizer of Miss Italia since 1959 is Enzo Mirigliani.

By Fabrizio Ferro Website: Facebook: