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Trollbeads Day: December 1st!

On December 1st , Ferro Gioielli is pleased to invite you to its Trollbeads Day ! Ferro Gioielli, premium Trollbeads retailer, is pleased to organize a day to discover Trollbeads on December 1st in its store in via Matteotti 41 in Este (PD), from 9 am to 12.30 pm and from 3.30 pm to 7.30 pm!

The opportunities

With the purchase of a Trollbeads clasp worth €45 or more, you will receive a free silver bracelet worth €45! Plus, you'll have the chance to discover the brand new Christmas beads, admiring and touching the entire new collection! [gallery size="medium" ids="|, /uploads/2018/11/bracciale-4.jpg|,|, /wp-content/uploads/2018/11/bracciale-2.jpg|,|,https://blog|"]

How do you participate?

To participate in the promotion, registration is mandatory! Just go to the official website of the Trollbeads event, or click here for the direct link. You will then have to search for the premium retailer Ferro Gioielli and enter your data, creating an account. We are waiting for you!
By Olga Navarin [views]