Opal: An Interesting Fact
We have already seen together how Opal is a truly unique precious stone. With beautiful shades, it is as rare as it is beautiful, perfect for decorating our most special precious items.
An interesting curiosity, however, dates back to its past.
In the 19th century, in fact, it was believed that opals even brought bad luck: an unusual astral conjunction, if one considers that, normally, precious stones are often compared to amulets.
The Power of a Novel
The bizarre belief would derive from a novel by Walter Scott, Anna von Geierstein, in which the protagonist Anna throws her opal into the abyss after experiencing many misadventures. Suddenly, without this precious stone, her life becomes serene.

Legend has it that, after reading Scott's novel, Empress Eugenie of France fueled this belief that, by word of mouth, turned into a real superstition. Opal was even banned in some famous courts, but also deeply detested by the tsars, among the most superstitious rulers.

Quite the opposite
Yet, opals are immensely beautiful stones and are believed to awaken psychic and mystical abilities. Gems that are friends of intuition, inspiration, clairvoyance, they are closely linked to magic and energy. In short, anything but the evil eye.
But there is something negative...
The only negative characteristic? They are very fragile and break easily when cutting. A real misfortune for the goldsmiths who have to work with them. But only for them.