The 4Cs of Diamond: Color
Our journey to discover the 4Cs continues: the main characteristics that distinguish the perfect diamond! Today we talk about Color!
But does the diamond have a color?
The answer is...not at all! The most valuable diamond, in fact, must be completely colorless. This does not mean, however, that there are other varieties and classifications that give the diamond a more precise ''color''.
The colorless diamond
The pure diamond, the colorless one, is classified as D , a class that certifies the best possible quality for this precious stone.
The other classes
From colorless to a slight trace of color: we move on to class E, whose color can only be identified with special instruments. The scale then continues: F, almost transparent; G or H when there are small traces of color visible; from I to K for slightly colored diamonds and on to Z for diamonds that possess a bright yellow color.
Other colors
There are also diamonds with unusual colors, called ''fancy'' and very rare, such as pink, blue, yellow and brownish. The color, in these cases, is due to chemical impurities or structural defects in the crystal lattice. The most common impurity is caused by nitrogen, which makes diamonds, in fact, yellowish and brownish in color!
Color and colorless are two adjectives that characterize different types of diamonds, equally precious. Which do you prefer? The purest and colorless diamonds, or the more particular and chemically imperfect ones?