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What are green diamonds?

The diamond, the precious stone par excellence, whose characteristics we have already studied, can take on various shades in nature: yellow, pink, blue, red... Today, however, let's discover together some of the rarest in the world: the green ones!

The color green

Where does this unusual shade come from? It seems to be generated by the prolonged exposure of the classic diamond to radioactive materials. Millennia ago, green diamonds contained small particles of uranium, which over time decayed, causing their radioactivity to cease. A color that therefore comes from something harmful to humans, but which fortunately can be worn with peace of mind.

In the laboratory

Since green diamonds are very rare in nature, as is the case with many other materials, it was decided to reproduce them in the laboratory. The natural stones are polished and hit by a low-energy electron beam, in a process that, depending on the application time, can generate yellow or green color in diamonds.
In other laboratories, it is preferable to apply a thin layer of silica to the diamond, which however can wear away much more easily.

Dresden Green

The most famous green diamond in the world is the so-called Dresden Green: a huge gemstone of 40.72 carats, kept inside the Dresden Castle. Some experts believe that it comes from the Indian mine of Kollur , others that it originated in Brazil .


Another green diamond enjoys immense fame: it is a ring signed by the designer Jar, sold for almost 2 million dollars, in 2014. The diamond that is set in it weighs 2.50 carats: it once belonged to a countess, Eliza Branicka Krasinska, and was mounted on her engagement ring, which remained on her finger until 1859.

In jewelry?

Unfortunately for most people, owning a green diamond is a rarity! Most diamonds of this type are sold in the most important auctions in the world, making them not very accessible to most people. However, nothing prevents us from hoping, one day, to own one, to have our experts set it in a beautiful Ferro Design ring!