Ferro Gioielli is ready to welcome you back!
It's official: we are ready to start again in a big way. Ferro Gioielli is ready to welcome you back to the store in via Matteotti 41 in Este, in total safety.
We have in fact adopted all the hygiene and safety measures that will allow us to welcome you into the store without risks to your and our health.
What we will do
We will sanitize every surface of the store several times a day. Cleaning and sanitization will be our mantra.
Staff monitoring
All our staff will be monitored daily, with their temperature taken twice a day, every time they enter the store. Our staff will only be able to access the store with a temperature below 37°C and without any symptoms.
Personal protections
Ferro Gioielli staff will wear masks and disposable gloves. In addition, for customers who do not have them, we will provide gloves, disposable masks and hand sanitizer gel. Even in this case, methodical attention to cleaning will be our must.
Controlled access and appointments
Access to the store will still be controlled and limited. In fact, access will be granted to only one customer at a time, taking care to respect the safety distance of at least 2 m between the customer and the operator at his service.
It will be possible for all our customers to book an appointment via the Facebook form, to have the full certainty of not having to wait their turn and of being alone in the store.
Booking your appointment will be a fundamental step to have priority access and to be able to have a consultation from our staff in complete safety. A great opportunity to return to the store, confident and perfectly safe.
Don't forget that our online shop continues, as always, to be active for home deliveries. Our experts, moreover, remain at your disposal via email, writing to info@ferrogioielli.com , via WhatsApp at the number +39 331 1402059 or by telephone at 0429 2822.
Ferro Gioielli is ready to welcome you back to the store and to finally provide you in person with all the usual services and much more!