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Fluorite: The Stone of 2022

Each year is symbolized by its own precious stone, capable of bringing luck to whoever wears it. 2020 was marked by rose quartz, 2021 by Agate. And now? Let's discover Fluorite together: the stone of 2022!

Origin and history

Fluorite , also called fluorine or fluorspar , is a very common mineral made from calcium fluoride. Its name may derive from the Latin fluere , to run , due to its low melting point. Other sources point to the origin of its name from the Middle Ages. It seems that many English miners called this gem " flower of ore " due to its rare beauty.

Its history is ancient: it was used in Egyptian times, but also by the ancient Greeks and Romans, for statues and sacred objects.

It is easily found in Mexico, Peru, Canada, Brazil, the United States, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Madagascar and Namibia, China, Italy. In fact, there are deposits of fluorite in Sardinia, in our Veneto, in Trentino and in Lombardy.

Its properties

Fluorite is definitely a "magical" mineral, capable of lighting up when heated. Fluorite is said to be a very powerful gemstone from a spiritual point of view, because it promotes freedom of thought. It also promotes good self-awareness, giving the ability to make decisions in line with our desires. It also promotes self-esteem, a beautiful factor that makes it even more the perfect stone for 2022.

Fluorite is found in nature in different and varied colors, although the most common is purple. It is also possible to find yellow, green, pink, brown, orange and, rarely, colorless fluorite gems.

Its appearance is truly magical and, I am sure, whoever wears it throughout 2022 will surely be able to derive special benefits from it!