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Gemstones from Space: The Black Diamond

Recent studies on the origin of carbonado ( black diamond ) seem to exclude that terrestrial conditions could be compatible with its formation. The hypothesis is simple: a huge asteroid containing diamonds would have hit the Earth billions of years ago when our planet and the Moon were bombarded by rocks from space. Shattering, it would have left the carbonado at the point of collision. Black diamonds, in fact, are found only in two areas of the planet, Brazil and the Central African Republic, once part of the same continent. According to researchers, this enormous reservoir of diamonds would have formed around a star. An infrared system made available by the Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York has allowed traces of hydrogen to be identified inside the black diamonds, proof of their origin from areas of space rich in hydrogen. If until a few years ago the black diamond was used mainly in industry, now, it is found enhancing entire collections of jewelry of artists and the most renowned houses in the world. For its particular color and brilliance, combined with a relatively less important cost than the colorless diamond, it is gaining consensus especially among the male public.

By Fabrizio Ferro Website: Facebook: